Four Colorado utilities, including Xcel Energy, the state’s largest provider of electricity, are exploring whether to join a regional trading market to acquire real-time power at the lowest possible cost. Xcel Energy, Black Hills Energy, Colorado Springs Utilities and the Platte River Power Authority, an electric cooperative, have teamed up to hire an independent consultant, who will evaluate the benefits and costs of joining what’s called an energy imbalance market. The consultant will look at markets organized by the Southwest Power Pool and the California Independent System Operator. The results of the study are expected by the end of September and a decision is expected by the end of the year. The four energy companies currently have a joint dispatch agreement to share resources and balance demand during peak periods, they said in a statement Friday. They said they see value in joining a larger market to be able to exchange energy with more utilities and integrate more renewable energy into their systems. To view the full article visit the Denver Post.