August 8, 2021–Investigating how noises affect sleep and human health (Medical News)

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Sleeping safe and sound is one of human’s most fundamental needs to stay reenergized and maintain our bodily functions. How does hearing environmental sounds influence our sleeping quality? Assistant Professor Junta Tagusari from the Laboratory of Regional Environmental Issues, Graduate School of Engineering, is investigating the best method to measure noises and how they affect human health.

…”Noise has the potential not only to damage hearing abilities, but also to cause wider health issues. It has been reported that the risk is higher when noises are heard during sleep. The WHO Regional Office for Europe Report also indicated that several chronic health problems, including heart failure and diabetes, could have been triggered from the long-term exposure to noise-induced sleep disturbance,” said Tagusari. “Sleep disturbance is more critical than most people might think.” To view the full article visit the Medical News.