July 25, 2021–U.S. Republicans create new conservative climate caucus to focus on the environment (Tri-County Herald)

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Climate change is a threat that impacts all Americans, but progressive politics aren’t the only answer. In fact, there’s a wide variety of effective, common sense solutions that resonate with conservative values, and U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse. R-Sunnyside., has demonstrated important patriotic leadership on the climate issues that underpin our economy, national security, and way of life by joining forces with Republicans from across the country in the newly-formed Conservative Climate Caucus. This bold new caucus, led by Utah Congressman John Curtis, is a vital step toward meaningful Republican action on climate change. Despite today’s polarized political landscape making environmental topics controversial, conservatives have a rich legacy of bipartisan environmental stewardship. To view the full article visit the Tri-County Herald.