July 29, 2021–Single-use plastics have boomed during COVID-19 (C&E News)

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In the past 2 decades, countries, municipalities, and manufacturers alike had pledged to reduce their plastic waste and recycle more plastic. Then COVID-19 happened. Governments rolled back regulations and people increased their consumption of plastic masks, gloves, takeout packaging, and more. Recycling centers temporarily closed just as stay-at-home orders triggered falling oil prices that made manufacturing more virgin plastic a bargain. Researchers are already noticing an impact on the world’s oceans.Joana Correia Prata was alarmed. Since March 2020, the veterinarian and microplastics researcher at Portugal’s University of Aveiro has coauthored multiple publications recommending policy priorities for managing the boom in plastic waste. Carmen Drahl spoke with her about the scope of the problem and her hopes for the future. To view the full article visit Chemical & Engineering News.